More Contributions
My contribution to Project Asylum
Game Writing
Game, Character and location names,
All in game text.
Created a fictional ritual.
Paper prototyping puzzles
Pacing & Gameplay beats
Player Journey
Checkpoint placement
Level design.
Paper prototyping the game map with and without accessibility features.
Paper prototyping the clipboard
Coding & designing UI widgets.
Sound design.
My contribution to the team
Being the Scrum Master and Co - Product Owner.
Being the vision holder.
Leading production.
Planning and dynamically adjusting workload according to milestone requirements and deadlines.
Acting as a point of communication between disciplines.
Pitching and presenting Project Asylum for Greenlight sessions and playtesting events for industry professionals.
Writing the team contract before the start of production.
Creating tasks on Jira.
Hosting and planning weekly retrospectives.
Documenting Project Asylum on Miro
Assisting team members with P4.
Hosting and arranging playtest sessions.