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The Player 

The player is an employee at a demolition company called “Wreck-creation Inc” and has been sent to Shermans Private Mental Institution to conduct one last check to make sure that the building is ready to be demolished.

The Doctor

Doctor Sherman had previously been fired from a big mental institution because of unethical practices, but he was promised that the reason for his termination would be kept a secret in return for his long service at the hospital. He successfully opened his own practice where he continued his unethical experiments until he inevitably had to file for bankruptcy. In a final attempt to save his work, he performs a ritual that changes everything.

The Ritual

The ritual Doctor Sherman performed required a severed finger, a handmade bowl, proper placement of items and his deepest wish written on a piece of parchment that he would burn during the cermony.  The ritual failed, however, As his wish was poorly worded, causing the building to come alive and devour the patients along with their doctor, trapping them in the walls until they merged and mutilated into unrecognizable beings.

The Patients

Forced to roam the halls, patients would occasionally drift back into consciousness and use their own blood to leave messages and maps for any potential saviours to find the truth and free them from the curse.

The Asylum

After the ritual the asylum gained a sort of consciousness that allowed it to know everything that was going on within its walls. It also gained the ability to move those walls at will to trap its victims.


We arrive at the asylum to do a routine check up before demolition. We follow our checklist but as we get further into the building things start to become weird. We write it off as a potential gas leak cause hallucinations until things become too strange to ignore. With the help of a UV light that reveals secrets on the walls, we find the location where the ritual was held. We steal the ritualistic items in hopes of breaking the curse which summons a mutated form of Dr Sherman, leading us into a chase. The game ends with us making it out alive to see another day. 

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